Gun-nartpa & Burarra kinship poster
Aboriginal Australians Create Online Hand Sign Dictionary
Iltyem-iltyem launch
Consultation on Iltyem-iltyem launch
Iltyem-iltyem in Land Rights News December 2012
The iltyem-iltyem team are currently grappling with some interesting issues related to the meaning of signs and the ways that sign and speech interact within a ‘sign utterance’ to express a composite meaning. One big question is about how to represent sign polysemy – the
Welcome back Gail Woods
The iltyem-iltyem project is really happy that we have Gail Woods back for a few months, taking a breather from her sojourn at Ilha de Mozambique ( Gail, Jenny Green and Margaret Carew are now madly annotating video recordings, and working with our web designer
Lizzie Ellis provided a number of signs used by her Ngaanyatjarra family in Tjukurla during her recording session with the iltyem-iltyem project on 16 November 2012. These included a number of family signs, some birds and animals and everyday objects. One really interesting feature of